Monday, January 11, 2016

Knitted Gnome

This is NOT one of my own patterns but it beyond adorable.
(JMSQ 1/11/2016)

To get started:
 Materials: 20 yards of worsted weight wool yarn for the body
 color 5 yards of worsted weight wool yarn for the skin color
 clean carded sheep's wool for stuffing yarn needle size 6
 knitting needles (for worsted weight) or size appropriate
 for weight of yarn
 You can use any size needle and yarn to create different
 size gnome babies!

 First Leg:
 Cast on 10 stitches, leaving about a 10" tail for sewing
 up the leg
 Knit 10 rows (garter stitch).
 Cut yarn leaving a 5" tail.
 Second Leg:
 (push first leg to bottom of needles)
 Cast on 10 stitches on same needle that first leg is on this
 time leaving about a 15" tail.
 Like first leg, knit 10 rows (garter stitch).

 Now knit both legs together (all 20 stitches). This will form
 the body.
 Knit (garter stitch) for 16 rows

 Now switch to the skin color - and knit 10 rows in the
 stockinette stitch (this is one row garter, one row purl).
 After you have finished the 10th row - bind of all 20 stitches.

 Sew up the Body:
 Start with the shorter piece of yarn on the leg and thread the
 needle. Fold the leg in half to meet in the middle. (Wrong sides
 together - the smooth part of the head will be on the inside)
 Start with a running stitch around the bottom of the leg and
 pull. Then stitch up the side of the leg.

 Finish by making a knot with the other yarn end that is in the
 middle and tuck yarn ends to the outside.

 Now take the longer string at the end of the other leg and
 thread yarn needle. Work just like the first leg except continue
 stitching up the back of the gnome baby. When you reach the skin
 color - tie off with the other colored yarn.
 Turn body right side out.

 Stuff body with wool. Stuff legs first. I use the end of the knitting
 needle or crochet hook to get the wool in firmly. Stuff up to the
 beginning of the head.

 Now take the yarn that you used to knit up the back of the body
 and make a running stitch between the body color and head color
 to form the neck. Tie a knot.

 Now tuck all the loose strings into the head and take the skin
 color hanging yarn and thread needle. Sew up back of the head
 only to the top. Cut body color loose string inside head.
 Stuff head with wool.

 Now use a running stitch around top of head and tie off with
 other yarn string. Cut hanging yarns almost to the knot.

 Cast on 8 stitches and knit 8 rows cast off.
 Sew up cast off edge with a running stitch and then sew up side.
 Stuff Arm . Repeat for Arm 2.

 Cast on 22 stitches. Knit four rows in the stockinette stitch
 (Knit one row, Purl one row) for four rows.
 Now, knit two stitches together at the beginning and end of
 each knit row (every other row).

 Continue this until there is only one stitch left. Cut yarn
 long (about 20") and pull through loop.

 Put yarn in yarn needle and sew up back of hat. Let the bottom
 of the hat roll up a bit for the brim and finish sewing around
 head. and then attach to side of body.

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